
Take the Quiz:
Eating Disorders Self-Assessment 

Questions marked with a * are required

You have taken an important step in reaching out and facing your concerns. This short survey is a tool to help you understand your current level of eating disorder risk and symptoms.

At the end of the survey you will receive your score and information on what that score means.

We encourage you to talk with your health care provider about your concerns, and at the end of the survey you will find a guide to talking with your doctor. Check out the videos, worksheets, and the Peer Support groups through Body Peace Canada too.
Please note that this is not a comprehensive assessment and is not intended to be a substitute for professional clinical advice. This tool is called the InsideOut Screener, and does not assess for ARFID, Pica or Rumination Disorder.  Learn more about this tool here. 
You should always seek the advice of a qualified health professional with any questions you have regarding your health. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment because of any result provided by the self-assessment tools, questionnaires or any other information you have read on this site.
How is your relationship with food? (For example: is food and eating worry free, or is it full of worry and stress?)
Does your weight, body or shape make you feel bad about yourself? (For example: the number on the scale, the shape of your body or a part of your body.)
Do you feel like food, weight or your body shape dominates your life? (For example: experiencing constant thoughts about food, weight or your body.)
Do you feel anxious or distressed when you are not in control of your food?
Do you ever feel like you will not be able to stop eating or have lost control around food? (For example: feeling that you have no control around food, that you binge eat or fear that you will binge eat.)
When you think you have eaten too much, do you do anything to make up for it? (For example: skipping the next meal, going light on the next meal, working it off with exercise, purging via vomiting or taking laxatives, diuretics or diet pills.)
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